Saturday, January 15, 2005

Nobody wants to hear your stupid stories

It's one thing to annoy the library patrons (often, it's a good thing), but making yourself a bloody nuisance to your co-workers by constantly talking about your cats, your dumb kids, or your boring weekend is just unacceptable. Seriously, nobody wants to hear it. Save it for when you get on the subway and bother a stranger with that crap. And, above all, do not tell me about that awesome dream you had last night about you hanging out with the Olsen twins and the guy from Bright Eyes. I won't even feign amusement when someone tells me about their dreams. Keep a journal, or something.


Anonymous said...

I've always wondered, why would you be a librarian? Not to be ignorant, but can someone please tell me the joys of being one? This question is not to insult, I want to know, I just want to know, is it more then knowing where books are? Knowledge? But why not use the knowledge that you have for the better? Professor...etc,,,please ANSWER my question!!

Anonymous said...

The point of knowing is not the reason of becoming a librarian, it is the unknown, what is not known.

nancy said...

I'm studying to become a librarian because the deadline for applications was extended.

Anonymous said...

Great post I do not care about listening to my coworkers stories about cats. Unless they are willing to show interest in my stories of being hopped up on a a bottle of bad hooch under an overpass before my showdown with local police as news helicopters circle overhead.

Susanne said...

Ha! I love this blog.

Unknown said...

I want to be a librarian. I am in my freshman year of college. In 4 years I will be deciding on a place to get my MLS degree, and I am very excited about it. I want to help people find information. All information. Whatever information will help them learn something new. I want to be the link from person to information!