Monday, June 07, 2010

Interviews (Men), Dressing for

When dressing for a library job interview, male candidates should wear one, and no more than one, of the following items to increase their chances of landing the position:
  • a book- or literature-themed necktie
  • a cell phone on your belt
  • a kilt
  • a porn mustache
  • your LARP costume
Choose wisely, and good luck!

Ask the readers: What do you think male librarians should wear to a library job interview?


Anonymous said...

I vote for the classic Hawaiian/bowling shirt with a book design.

Lisa E. said...

I have a weakness for a man in a kilt.

Anonymous said...

A turtleneck. Or, at least, a slightly groomed full beard. Zany socks that peek out from under a crossed pant leg-- book or animal themed, if possible

Mari said...

Mmm, a kilt. Definitely.

Ms. Caswell said...


Anonymous said...

The porn moustache! (I should point that I have one myself.)

geopardy said...

Surely some corduroy and tweeds. Preferably somewhat crumpled, and definitely out of style by ten years.

Anonymous said...

Crumpled linen jacket and trousers / sandals with woolly socks / an enigmatic smile

Anonymous said...

A Hawaiian shirt, tweed jacket, kilt, and knee high brown leather boots. Also, a welding cap.

Anonymous said...

Or, for the academic librarian candidate, a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches.

Anonymous said...

broken glasses

Walt Lessun said...


Anonymous said...

An MLS. How many males have those?

Anonymous said...

Sweater vest.

Anonymous said...

Fanny pack.

Malka said...

A bow tie and a shirt patterned with disembodied Snoopy heads.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you wear, gentlemen, just be sure it is wrinkled.

Ralph Lloyd-Jones said...

We interviewed a guy in a kilt with a book themed necktie & porn moustache.

He didn't get the job.

J DeB said...

Maybe sock garters. And I think one of those bluetooth headsets always adds that certain je ne sais quois.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what the man wears, of course!

But show a little skin and give the old gal's a thrill...

Turner said...

Vintage cardigan or homemade sweater vest. But it has to be homemade....

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to mention that my co-worker was wearing these today:

And no, I don't work on the beach, I work at an inland university.

Anonymous said...

I find the egnimatic smile works every time

Bibliotecher said...

My vote is for a current holiday or season-themed cardigan.

Anonymous said...

I went into mine wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. I probably should have worn dress pants and a dress shirt.

Maric Kramer said...

For the summer interview, put the finishing touch on your ensemble by donning a pair of mandals.