Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Assimilation, Required reading for

College & Research Libraries News should be required reading for every academic librarian as they assimilate into the library workplace.  How else will one learn how to speak, make friends, and "be a person"?

Ask the readers: What other "assimilation" articles would you like to see printed in C&RL News?


(sigh) said...

"Greeting with Grip: How to Shake Someone's Hand."

finally_a_librarian said...

"Rhetorical statements: how to recognize and avoid answering them."

Anonymous said...

They wouldn't publish it if there wasn't a perceived need... :D

MissLibrarian said...

"Snootily Approachable: How to be Friendly While Still Looking Down on Idiots."

"Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better: The Story of a Story Topper"

"How to State, 'There's No Stupid Question' Without Laughing"

Lib. Tech. from Canadia said...

Two articles: "Life: it is possible outside the library", and "Do I look like a friggin' babaysitter???"

Anonymous said...

Learn to make friends who are not librarians outside or work - know there is more to the campus where you work than just the library - have ever attended a university/college sporting event? Have you been to an art show at the Univ Art Museum? Have you been to a concert at the school of music?

Try to think of how many friends you have outside the library or friends who aren't librarians. If the answer is less than 2 you need to get a life - get involved in something outside of work.

Anonymous said...

Resistance is futile.....