Friday, April 09, 2010

Management, Classroom

A librarian should begin each library instruction class by plucking headphones from students' ears, confiscating cell phones, and searching all bookbags for contraband food.  If there is any time remaining, show them all how to become fans of the library's new Facebook page.


Anonymous said...

I did all that...but still no fans. Why??

Gary Klein said...

First of all, you should insist that the class be held inside the Library's own instruction room.

Where all of the desks have a slightly slippery surface, and just enough of a tilt that no coffee cup, or mug will ever stay in place.

That way the librarian does not have to admonish the students about the "no beverage rule", as the tilted slippery desk tops will automatically self-enforce the rule!

Anonymous said...

Make sure you have someone on hand to call an ambulance after you get attacked by the students for taking their headphones and cell phones.

Unknown said...