Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacations, Describing

A polite librarian should return from vacation with an intentionally bland description of his or her time away from the library.  No one needs to be teased with thoughts of relaxing on a beach, traveling to foreign lands, or partaking in debauchery-filled adventures.  Instead, spare everyone and say, "I just spent some time at home sewing clothes for my cats and watching reruns of Golden Girls."


the.effing.librarian said...

I wish I had the time to sew. You are so lucky.

Cindy said...

Yeah, I spent the first day sewing clothes for my cat and the next week recovering from wounds inflicted by said cat when trying to dress him.

And what the heck is wrong with Golden Girls?

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. That is what I do on vacation.

AnaVar said...

LOL Cindy! I guess you have a tiger at home! Well... I usually say I was cleaning the house and working in the garden (I usually complain I don't have a time for this, so the vacation is just the right time). ...I also don't have much money to travel a lot and visit exotic places :(.